Growth Mindset March 2020.

The Sky is the Limit

April 2020 Growth Mindset.

During this amazing process where I am getting prepared to become a Digital Learner Leader, I’ve been asked, pushed and challenged in many interesting and new ways.

The following challenge it’s a…how to say it.? Fun and interesting.

At the beginning of this program, among many other assignments, we were asked to work on our mindset. We learned what is a fix mindset and what is a growth mindset. Doing this, was an amazing experience. We researched, watch videos, read articles and get involved in this cool whole concept. We worked on it and shared our thinking, our opinions and how we were going to implement it in our classroom.

Now, almost one year after, we were asked to re-study Growth Mindset. After doing this, we were asked to go back to our one-year Growth Mindet reflection and analyze it. This activity has the purpose to compare what we had at the beginning and what we have now. Here are my findings.

Going over articles and videos that I once already went through after one year was interesting and enlightening. I can divide this experience in two sections: Linguistics and staying in the same path


I reread my old growth mindset and I was so shocked to see how my ideas were nowhere! I can’t believe that went online! While I was reading, I started to proof reading again and fixing ideas, but I decided to leave it like that as a reminder of how we grow, how we evolve when we are in the path of learning

Staying in the same path

On my old growth mindset, I shared that inadvertently I was already doing this with my students. Also, I mentioned the importance of building meaningful relationship with the students and creating an authentic learning environment.

In my current growth mindset, I can see that these concepts and ideas are still there. I still believe and work on building authentic student relationships and that a positive learning environment is vital so a student can learn and grow. The difference is that now I can talk and express myself with more confidence. Now, I have more academic background. As well, this whole learning process has made me aware and more conscious of my teaching, my students and myself.

So, let me continue some ideas with the following video:

Wrapping my ideas up, I can share that my mind is set to grow. It has been part of my life for a while now. This is mainly the fuel for my teaching. I have mentioned before that I like to say sharing knowledge. A growth mindset and sharing knowledge comes together in the sense that anybody can share knowledge: teachers to students and students to other students and teachers. For me, this is a nice example of growth mindset, because embraces everything I try to do in my class:

  • Develop meaningful relationships
  • Create a significant learning environment where every student is protected and nurtured to learn and grow

So, at the end, we mix all these ingredients together and the outcome will be the creation of critical thinkers that develop the 21st Century skills.