Influencer Project

We need critical thinkers today more than ever. Using our digital resources we can succeed!

Why I want to use today’s digital learning to create critical thinkers?

I believe that a critical thinker is what our world needs today for the best tomorrow.

How to do this?

By giving our students a CSLE where the 21st Century skills are taught and nurtured in an inclusive digital environment.


Create critical thinkers in a digital world that will be able to make significant and meaningful changes in our world.

Calling for Action

A critical thinker is a person that can do whatever he or she wants in his or her life. On today’s world we are suffering from the lack of critical thinkers. That is why, right now (and even more than ever) we need to start creating more critical thinkers. Without the people that can analyze information and make crucial decisions, our world won’ thrive the way it should. As for today, all of us have the knowledge of the world in our hands and then? What are we going to do with that? That is what is has become: have all data we ever needed and do nothing with it. That is why we need to create and nurture those amazing minds that will help humankind to its best path. The best part is that we can succeed in our quest by using our current digital environment. We do not neet to reinvent the wheel. We will be using our current and accessible tools to be successful and create critical thinkers today for a better tomorrow.